Home Sweet Teardrop

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home. Can you spot my guard tarantula?

I’ve posted plenty of pix of the outside of the Teardrop, but I keep getting requests from readers to see the inside as well. So here you go! I keep “the Rattler” neat and clean at all times because every time I pull over somebody asks for a tour.

Last February, when I saw my very first Teardrop in Guadalupe National Park the owners were kind enough to give me a tour and it was love at first sight. I became a woman obsessed, on a mission, and I bought my very own Teardrop less than a month later. So now I give a tour to anybody who asks. You never know when you’ll spark somebody into taking their life on the road!

My Vintage National Park Postcard collection. I've been to all but one... can you guess?

My vintage National Park postcard collection and a rug that’s too pretty to put on the floor. That’s Hemingway and Georgia O’Keefe riding a motorcycle on the left as well as a map of one of my favorite places on Earth. The black box and wires are for the solar panel on the roof, which supplies all of my power.

My Sarah McRae Morton Original

My two Sarah McRae Morton originals and a scene from one of my favorite childhood books, The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses that I bought in South Dakota.

For those who don’t know the details yet, I bought this Teardrop from an 80 year old craftsman who made it in his garage for a winter project. It’s his original design and one of only five like it. The whole thing is 5 feet by 10 feet with a full sized bed, under bed storage, a folding table, a counter and cabinets, and a parquet wood tile floor that I added this past winter.

Before I bought the Teardrop I lived out of my car between housesitting jobs for seven years. Everything I owned, including my two dogs, fit neatly in my 2-door Volkswagon and then the Subaru (aka “The Raven”). So while the Teardrop looks tiny, it was a major space upgrade for me! Still, I’m ruthless about getting rid of anything and everything extra and I save tons of money by not buying things I don’t need. When you live in less than 50 square feet, it’s kind of amazing to walk through a big box store and realize that whole sections of consumer culture no longer apply to your life.

I don’t have a lot of stuff in the Teardrop, but everything I do have is meaningful to me. Every postcard on the wall reminds me of something, some one or some place. My main impetus for getting the Teardrop was to have a space of my own, without having to settle down. Every morning I open my eyes to this rolling work of art and fall a little more in love with life on the road.

My living room. If it's rainy or buggy, I can set up my chair inside!

My living room. If it’s rainy or buggy, I can set up my chair inside!

My View at Gooseneck's

My Front Porch View at Gooseneck’s State Park in Utah. The trailer plate on the wall is my souvenir from the Yukon last summer. The red beads are for luck from a friend, the round block on the wall is my grandfather’s “Round Tuit”, as in “I’ll get around to it”. To the top right of the door you might recognize the painting of Hemingway playing the piano that I bought from a street artist in Key West for $1. To the right of the mirror is the card that inspired the post “Where We Love Is Home”.

Still curious? Check out my video tour of the Teardrop on Youtube and my previous posts Teardrop Sees America and A Teardrop is Born. The Rattler was also featured last summer on the Tiny House Blog.

About theblondecoyote

Mary Caperton Morton is a freelance science and travel writer with degrees in biology and geology and a master’s in science writing. A regular contributor to EARTH magazine, where her favorite beat is the Travels in Geology column, she has also written for the anthologies Best Women's Travel Writing 2010 and Best Travel Writing 2011. Mary is currently based in western Colorado. When she’s not at the computer she can usually be found outside -- hiking, skiing, climbing mountains and taking photographs. Visit her website at www.marycapertonmorton.com.
This entry was posted in Bowie & D.O.G., Photography, Road tripping!, Sustainable Living, Teardrop Trailer, Uncategorized, Vagabonding 101. Bookmark the permalink.

27 Responses to Home Sweet Teardrop

  1. Thank you for the tour and of course, your view’s amazing.

  2. Wow that view is amazing. What a way to live! I am intrigued and will find time to read more on your blog about your journey 🙂

  3. Ziya Tamesis says:

    Wow, that’s really beautiful. Thanks so much for showing the inside of your home.

  4. Donna says:

    Thanks as always for a great glimpse of how life could be so simple. I was going to go on the road in a small travel trailer, but after religiously following your blog, I am setting my sites on a Vistabule teardrop. Have a safe Memorial Day weekend!

  5. DREAMY!!!! I love Paul Goble!!! Where do the dogs sleep?

  6. Love seeing the inside of the teardrop; it is beautiful. Maybe someday we’ll meet you on the road and get to see it in person. Carol

  7. Andy says:

    Envy. And envy is not a healthy thing. But envy.

  8. Robert Cox says:

    Hey, Mary…
    What a great blog, and what great adventures. I couldn’t help but think of you and your teardrop when I saw a picture from Australia. I don’t know how to post it here, but it’s on my blog site at http://oldgringosgazette.com/?p=1502. Maybe it will give you an idea on how to keep your teardrop warm in the winter. Keep writing; your stuff’s wonderful!

  9. susank456 says:

    You have a dream lifestyle. Simple and uncluttered. I am so jealous. Teardrop is warm and cozy, just perfect. Thank you for sharing.

  10. Coreen says:

    What a view… thank you for showing us your home.

  11. Kyle Kuns says:

    Your teardrop looks fantastic!

  12. Mary,
    Thanks for the tour and the Youtube video link. I envy your simplicity. So happy you are enjoying your life and that you are able to make your living while living as you please.

    Hope you have a safe Memorial Day Weekend.


  13. Rachael says:

    Lovely. There is something very attractive to me in minimal living.

  14. Tim says:

    I have just found your blog and have a deep admiration and respect for your life and the choices you have made!! I take delivery of a teardrop June 1 and you have given me several good ideas and inspired me to think about what is “important.” Instant follow and hope you post often and freely!! Stay safe and happy travels!!

  15. alongourway says:

    You are living the dream!

  16. Brian S. says:

    Your tarantula is doing a good job of guarding the charge controller. Safe travels.

  17. Josh Feinberg says:

    “Land of Little Rain” is one of my all time favorites!

  18. Liana says:

    wow…I’ve got a new item on my bucket list. 🙂

  19. Becca says:

    Hello. I was wondering if you would be willing to share how much it cost you to custom build your teardrop. I am about to take off on the road and I am debating whether I should tent camp or buy or build a teardrop. I have limited funds so the less I spend on initial costs the longer my trip will be. Would love to be able to compare the cost differences.

  20. vietasgaisotne says:

    I’m so fascinated about these vintage posters!

  21. Pingback: A Walk In The Clouds: Three 14′ers, One Fine Foggy Day | Travels with the Blonde Coyote

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  23. Ty says:

    I’ve watched your video several times because it inspires me so much to go out and live my life on my terms!! I’m wondering if its possible to get in touch with Egon for a trailer build of my own?

  24. Pingback: Into the Dark Canyon Wilderness! | Travels with the Blonde Coyote

  25. Pingback: What Would the Blonde Coyote Do? Questions from an Aspiring Nomad | Travels with the Blonde Coyote

  26. Pingback: Ask the Blonde Coyote: Where in the World Are You? | Travels with the Blonde Coyote

  27. I know I am going back in time, but I am unable to see your images. I have no blocking addons working, and I tried IE instead of my usual Firefox, but no joy. Limits on your WP storage? Or do you link to them on another site?

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