Finding D.O.G.

First Sight

Three years ago, I took a road trip to Monument Valley, near the Arizona – Utah border, and came home with a puppy. Keeping a skinny, filthy, half-wild mutt I found wandering in the desert could have been a complete disaster, but it was meant to be, and we both knew it at first sight.

Around 3 pm on January 14th, 2009, after a long drive from New Mexico, I pulled off the highway onto a random dirt road, parked, and set off across the open desert with my dog Bowie to hike around a distant, unnamed butte.

Dio's Butte, No place for a lone dog

Rounding the far side, I saw movement under a sage. Crouched in a sliver of shade was a dog, wagging its tail. Something about him made my heart skip a beat. I held onto Bowie, in case the stray was hurt or sick, and talked sweetly to the dog, who cautiously emerged. Then I saw: He was in terrible shape, but filth and ribs aside, he was the spitting image of Bowie.

He was young, six months at the most. I could see the bony points of his hips and the line of his backbone through the matts tangled in his all-black coat. No collar. Clods of dirt were matted between his toes. I coaxed him, but he wouldn’t come closer so I poured some water in a dish and stepped back. He shot forward, desperate for a drink.

Brothers on Our Backyard Cliffs

This was an improbable place to find a dog. We were surrounded by nothing but dry, open space. The only manmade things in sight were a barbed wire fence and my car glinting in the distance, parked on the side of a rarely traveled dirt road. No water, no shade, no people, no houses. Nothing.

I didn’t have any dog food with me. There was nothing else I could do out there for him, but walk and hope he followed. He looked like hell, but I was relieved to see he still had enough energy to be rambunctious. Over the next hour, the three of us circled that nameless, stunning butte, with Bowie and the puppy playing together like long-lost brothers. It was the youngest Bowie, then six, had acted in years.

Dio keeping Bowie young!

The puppy was curious about me, but wary, and he was downright afraid of my camera. Every time I pointed it at him, he shied away and so I put it in my backpack and showed him my empty hands. Eventually, the puppy would follow Bowie within a few feet of me, but he always remained just beyond my outstretched hand, his tail wagging and eyes bright, wanting to be friends, but unsure.

Bowie & Dio on the Appalachian Trail in Vermont

Between he and Bowie, it was true love. I’ve never seen two dogs so happy to have made a friend. The two of them romped the whole way back to the car. When we got to the road, I put Bowie in the car and gave the stray more water and a small handful of dog food, not wanting to upset his neglected stomach.

I watched him eat, surprisingly daintily, for a starving dog. Where had he come from? How long had he been out here? Most importantly: What should I do with him? When I opened the door again, he made the decision for me and jumped right in next to Bowie, who outright grinned: Can we keep him?!

Overlooking Lolo Valley, Montana

I sat in the front seat for 15 minutes, coming to terms with what I already knew: this dog was mine. Then I abandoned my plans to camp out that night, pulled a U-turn and drove straight home to New Mexico with that stinky, wild dog curled up in the backseat.

He slept the entire trip, only occasionally sitting up to look out the window, a road trip natural. I was afraid to let him out of the car. If he ran off it would break my heart and I didn’t want to scare him with a leash. Somewhere along the way, I named him D.O.G.

We got home well after dark and I opened the car door and let him loose. The other two dogs at my place pounced on him, but he sorted himself out like a good-natured dog and soon everybody was running around the driveway together. It was a moon-lit night and I took all four on a get-acquainted hike down my long dirt road. I was no longer worried about Dio running away. He had found friends and I knew he’d follow us forever.

Bowie & Dio at the ends of the Earth

It took another day for Dio to let me touch him and a month before he’d roll over for a belly rub. He was especially afraid of men and it was a year until he would willingly go up to strangers. Gradually, he got over his fears of brooms and sticks and quick movements, though he’s still terrified of children and gun fire.

Three years later, you’d never know Dio had a rough start. He’s sleek and handsome, obedient, unflinchingly friendly and more worldly  than most people. He and Bowie are inseparable and people regularly ask me if they’re related. Now nine, Bowie has no grey and no arthritis and still hikes many long miles with me. Dio is keeping both of us young!

Dogs running in dog-deep snow

This past weekend, three years and a day after I found him and he found me, I took Dio for an off-leash snowshoeing trek up a 12,360-foot mountain with a dozen other people. He was so charming and perfectly well behaved, every single person on the trip complimented me on my good dog.

When people hear Dio’s story, they usually say he’s a lucky dog, but luck implies chance and I know I was meant to find Dio. Across all the Southwest’s open, rugged space, I pulled my car over at that nondescript spot, went for a trail-less hike to a nameless butte in the middle of nowhere and found a perfect dog. That’s not luck, that’s love.

My Boys, New River Gorge, West Virginia

Check out Travels with Bowie & D.O.G. under Archives A to Z for lots of photos from our travels all over the USA! These dogs have seen more of the world than most people.

About theblondecoyote

Mary Caperton Morton is a freelance science and travel writer with degrees in biology and geology and a master’s in science writing. A regular contributor to EARTH magazine, where her favorite beat is the Travels in Geology column, she has also written for the anthologies Best Women's Travel Writing 2010 and Best Travel Writing 2011. Mary is currently based in western Colorado. When she’s not at the computer she can usually be found outside -- hiking, skiing, climbing mountains and taking photographs. Visit her website at
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17 Responses to Finding D.O.G.

  1. anorwen says:

    What a lovely story!
    I have a similar one, about finding a cat on a trail in the middle of a hiking trip.

  2. m5son says:

    Wonderful story, beautiful dogs.

  3. seekraz says:

    Very touching story…good for all of you. 🙂

  4. BEAUTIFUL story!!! You have to know how much I love to hear stories like this and how grateful I am that there are kind, wonderful, caring people like you in the world. Most people would not have worked through Dio’s fears and had the patience to let this loving soul emerge. People so often expect dogs to come as little ready made packages, requiring no training or effort at all and they give up on them so quickly. So many people would have run that little dog off, ignored him, left him, or….worse. I hear these nightmare stories every day, I hear more sad stories about animals than happy ones. Unfortunately that is the nature of the Rescue world. I have no doubt how unspeakably awful people can be to those who need us most (children, animals, the elderly, injured, “disabled,” etc…) so happy stories like this one truly warm my heart and make my day, much more than people realize 🙂 You’re awesome!

    • Awww, thanks Claudia! Patience is definitely key in adopting a dog, especially from rough or unknown circumstances. I have no idea what happened to Dio, though I suspect he was a wandering “rez dog” who had never really belonged to anybody. I’ve never tried to force anything on him or make him confront his fears. If he wanted to run outside each time I swept, that was fine. Eventually, he figured out I wasn’t going to whack him and these days I usually have to sweep around both him and Bowie. Having Bowie as an example has been Dio’s saving grace. He loves and trusts Bowie absolutely and if Bowie acts like something or somebody is ok, Dio believes him. They’re wonderful together. 🙂

  5. Pingback: How To Plan A Killer Road Trip! Part 3: Copilots « Travels with the Blonde Coyote

  6. The story is great, and the photos and desert landscape just too awesome! I wonder how DOG ended up in the desert when you found him.

  7. Craig says:

    Love reading your stories and about your adventures, this one about D.O.G is one of my favorites.

  8. Pingback: Into the Ojito Wilderness! « Travels with the Blonde Coyote

  9. Pingback: On Turning 30 « Travels with the Blonde Coyote

  10. Pingback: Trespassing in Canyon de Chelly « Travels with the Blonde Coyote

  11. Pingback: Rattlesnake vs. D.O.G. « Travels with the Blonde Coyote

  12. Pingback: Road Closed? Park and Walk! Just watch out for moose… « Travels with the Blonde Coyote

  13. Spilledperfume says:

    What a great story.

  14. Pingback: Gun Shy On the 4th of July « Travels with the Blonde Coyote

  15. Pingback: Travels With Bowie & D.O.G.: Canada! « Travels with the Blonde Coyote

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