Roadtripping Rules!

One of my all-time favorite roads, into Monument Valley

One of my all-time favorite roads, into Monument Valley

Everybody, at least once in their lives, should road trip across the United States. Say what you will about this country, politically, ethically, or spiritually, but geographically, America is an amazing place. Take at least two weeks to cross, stick to the back roads and small towns, explore the parks, sleep under the stars, and take a walk someplace new everyday. By the time you cross the big rivers, wide plains, hot deserts and tall mountains and reach the other shining sea you will be deeply proud of this country in a much more tangible way.

I took my first real road trip right after I finished college.  I gave away everything that wouldn’t fit in my two-door VW, packed my dog, my hiking boots, and a trunk-load of books and hit the road. That summer I put about 6,000 miles on my car, and several hundred on my boots, crossing the country, exploring the land, not in terms of states or highways but as Earth and Sky and everything that lives in between. I slept under the stars every night and hiked many miles in every place I visited.

Along the way I crossed the mighty Mississippi for the first time, fell in love with the infinite nothingness of the plains, was deceived by a mirage in the heat of the desert, journeyed back through time to the bottom of the Grand Canyon, watched the sunset with a 4,000 year old bristle cone pine, and was awed by a meteor shower over my first glimpse of the Pacific Ocean.

A 4,000 year old Bristle Cone Pine in the Forest of the Ancients, eastern California

A 4,000 year old Bristle Cone Pine in the Forest of the Ancients, eastern California

Since that first road trip, I’ve never stopped traveling and I’ve learned a lot along the way. Whether you are heading on a weekend excursion to a neighboring state or lighting out for the opposite coast here are a few Rules of the Road that will make your trip much more enjoyable and affordable:

1. Always take the scenic route. The United States is the most geographically diverse country on Earth, home to nearly every kind of biome under the sun, but you’d never know it from the interstate system, where everything looks the same: smooth grades, big billboards and fast food. Interstate travel is boring and dangerous. Avoid it at much as possible.

2. Take a walk somewhere new everyday. I almost always travel with two high energy dogs who are consummate  road trip professionals as long as they get at least one good walk a day. I’m a country person and an avid hiker so I usually seek out backcountry trails where the dogs can run loose, but walking is also a great way to explore towns and cities along your route.

Life Elevated, Indeed!

Life Elevated, Indeed!

3. Pull over often. If you see something interesting on the side of the road — Stop! Road tripping isn’t just about driving. You have to get out of the car every now and then if you’re going to enjoy the journey. I’m not just talking scenic overlooks. Make a point of visiting weird local museums and road side attractions like the Museum of the Mountain Man in Pinedale, Wyoming, the Underground Salt Mine Museum in Hutchinson, Kansas and Carhenge (a replica of Stonehenge made from junked cars) near Alliance, Nebraska.

4. Slow down! I know this rule just reiterates the first three, but I cannot emphasize enough that road tripping is not about reaching your destination! I try not to drive more than 4 to 6 hours a day and I never drive after dark. Of course, you won’t always have this luxury (just this past weekend I drove 1,400 miles from CA to NM in two marathon days) but the slower you go (keep it under 55) and the more you stop, the more you’ll see and seeing the world is what roadtripping is all about!

5. Always eat local. You can get McDonald’s anywhere, so seek out local gems like The Fish Nest (all catfish, all the time) in Glenwood, Arkansas or Bobcat Bite (best green chile cheese burger in the USA according to the NYT) in Santa Fe, New Mexico for a real taste of the local cuisine. Local supermarkets can also be a real Americana experience. Avoid chains!

Local Supermarket in Questa, New Mexico

Local Supermarket in Questa, New Mexico

6. Camp out. Not everybody is a camper, but if you’re looking to make your road trip more affordable, sleeping under the stars is a great money saver. Besides, unless you have the money for unique B&B’s, hotels are pretty much the same everywhere you go: 4 walls, bad art, questionable bedding and an evil TV. Why pay $100+ a night for that? Most National Parks and State Parks offer scenic camping for under $20 a night and many National Forests campgrounds are free! Every park is unique, most are beautiful and some are downright breathtaking.

7. See as many sunrises and sunsets as possible. From the right vantage, the rising and setting sun is the greatest show on Earth and witnessing those moments always makes me feel like I’m in exactly the right place at the right time – no matter where the road has taken me!

Sunrise over Joshua Tree National Park, California

8. Always roll down your car windows! Don’t just see more of the world through your windshield, feel it, taste it, smell it through an open window. Freedom is in the air!

Also see my How to Plan A Killer Road Trip posts on planningbudgetingchoosing copilotspacking and tips & tricks and my Boondocking 101 post on How to Camp For Free in Beautiful Places. Questions, comments and suggestions always welcome! 🙂

About theblondecoyote

Mary Caperton Morton is a freelance science and travel writer with degrees in biology and geology and a master’s in science writing. A regular contributor to EARTH magazine, where her favorite beat is the Travels in Geology column, she has also written for the anthologies Best Women's Travel Writing 2010 and Best Travel Writing 2011. Mary is currently based in western Colorado. When she’s not at the computer she can usually be found outside -- hiking, skiing, climbing mountains and taking photographs. Visit her website at
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31 Responses to Roadtripping Rules!

  1. GreyhoundGrrrl says:

    LOVE it! I was already thinking of planning another road trip but reading your work kicked me into gear and I now have a 2 week trip scheduled. Thank you for that! 🙂

  2. GreyhoundGrrrl says:

    My only additions would be to try and make a loop if the starting and ending point are the same location. I hate backtracking, I always want to see something new. Also cooking over a campfire is tremendously satisfying. If and when possibly I’d add that to the list as well. (Of course with the high fire danger here now I wouldn’t suggest it…) Again, I love your writing! 😀

  3. Excellent suggestions, GreyhoundGrrl! Stay tuned for my next post on “How to Plan a Killer Roadtrip”!

  4. Rip's Mom says:

    I know that stretch of UT highway well! Glad to see you bloggin’, friend!

  5. Pingback: How to Plan a Killer Road Trip! « Travels with the Blonde Coyote

  6. Pingback: How To Plan A Killer Road Trip! Part 2: $$$ « Travels with the Blonde Coyote

  7. Pingback: How To Plan A Killer Road Trip! Part 4: Packing! « Travels with the Blonde Coyote

  8. Steeplechasing says:

    It’s great to be able to get the advice of someone so experienced. I’m in Scotland but plan a long road trip in your country – it’s top of my bucket list!

    Travel safely


    • Thanks Joe! What part of the US are you hoping to see? Scotland is definitely on my travel list- my family’s mitochondrial DNA traces back to the Monadhliath Mountains so it’ll be like coming home!

  9. Pingback: Losing Middle America « Travels with the Blonde Coyote

  10. Pingback: How To Plan A Killer Road Trip! Part 5: Tips & Tricks « Travels with the Blonde Coyote

  11. Pingback: On the Road, Again: California! « Travels with the Blonde Coyote

  12. Pingback: On the Road, Again: California! Day 2 « Travels with the Blonde Coyote

  13. Pingback: The Grand Canyon, Revisited « Travels with the Blonde Coyote

  14. Pingback: Travels With Bowie & D.O.G.: Las Vegas! « Travels with the Blonde Coyote

  15. Pingback: On the Road, Again: Southern New Mexico Loop « Travels with the Blonde Coyote

  16. Pingback: Good Eats: Europe! « Travels with the Blonde Coyote

  17. Pingback: New Year, New Gear « Travels with the Blonde Coyote

  18. Pingback: Hiking With Dogs « Travels with the Blonde Coyote

  19. Pingback: Tweeting a Top Ten Sunset « Travels with the Blonde Coyote

  20. Pingback: Grand Canyon Birthday Trek: AZ Road Trip! « Travels with the Blonde Coyote

  21. mark jabbour says:

    Great “rules” I always adhere to them. Have you ever done “The loneliest road in America”? US 50 across northern Nevada. Almost did me in but was saved by the Great Basin NP & Wheeler Peak and Lehman caves.

  22. Pingback: Teardrop Dreams « Travels with the Blonde Coyote

  23. Pingback: How To Plan A Killer Road Trip! Part 1 « Travels with the Blonde Coyote

  24. Pingback: Crossing Montana: Gathering Storm « Travels with the Blonde Coyote

  25. Gunta says:

    I like how Charles Kuralt summed it up: “Thanks to the Interstate Highway System, it is now possible to travel from coast to coast without seeing anything.”
    I started out doing cross-country trips in the 60s in my little VW bug. Best times I ever experienced. Still doing it to this day, though the car and the dog have changed (me, too, I s’pose). There’s so many wonders to see right here on this continent.
    Great advice on how to go about it and love going along on your travels. Thanks.

  26. Pingback: Hiking With Desert Dogs | Travels with the Blonde Coyote

  27. Pingback: Hey Blonde Coyote, Will You Plan My Road Trip? | Travels with the Blonde Coyote

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